Kamberovića poljeKamberovića parkSpazierweg Kamberovića polje
Park Kamberovića polje se spaja i predstavlja jednu cjelinu sa Turskim parkom. Zajedno se prostiru na površini od 9,5 hektara. Mlađi je park starosti 30 – tak godina. Veliki travnjaci, pješačke staze i dječija igrališta omogućuju aktivni odmor građanima. Okosnicu parka čine grupacije drveća i ukrasnog grmlja pozicioniranih uz šetališta odnosno uz obrube parka. Pažljivo odabrane vrste ukrasnog grmlja omogućuju da se one, tokom cijelog perioda vegetacije, od proljeća do kasnog ljeta, smjenjuju u cvjetanju i na taj način dodatno oplemenjuju park duži vremenski period. Turskim parkom dominira Sahat kula koja skupa sa obližnjom Turskom česmom predstavlja jednu od gradskih znamenitosti.
The Kamberovića Polje Park and Turkish Park together create an integrated landscape that spans 23.5 acres of urban land. Large open fields, comfortable walking paths and children’s playgrounds throughout offer an excellent recreation area. Trees and decorative flora are skillfully positioned along the pathways and park boundaries making for beautiful focal points from spring to late summer. The plant species are carefully selected to match the climate and vegetation seasons. As they blossom one after another throughout the year, Zenicans both enjoy and boast of their city’s beauty. The Turkish Park is dominated by the Clock Tower which, together with the Turkish Fountain makes for one of the most visited city sites.
Der Stadtpark Kamberovića Polje ist mit dem türkischen Park verbunden. Zusammen erstrecken sich die beiden Parks auf inssgesammt 9,5 Hektar. Der jüngere Park ist ca. 30 Jahre alt. Die großen Rasenflӓchen, Spazierwege und Kinderspielplӓtze bieten den Bürgern Ruhe und Erholung. Der Stadtpark ist entlang des ganzen Spazierwegs mit Bӓumen und Gestrӓuch beschmückt. Sorgfӓtig ausgewӓhlte Arten von Pflanzen, die in der Vegetationszeit vom Frühjahr bis zum Spӓtsommer abwechselnd blüten, bereichern den Park wӓhrend eines lӓngeren Zeitraums.
Eine der Sehenswürdigkeit der Stadtbefindet sich im nebenliegendem türkischen Park. Dort kann man den Uhrturm un den türkischen Brunnen sehen.