Četverougaoni oblik Turske sahat kule simbolizira nastavak postojanja sahat kula iz osmanskog perioda, kojih u zemlji ima šesnaest. Četverougaoni oblik se okreće uvijajući se i suzavajući do sredine. Taj oblik izražava bol koju je narod Bosne i Hercegovine proživio kroz historiju. Ponovno širenje kule od sredine, predstavlja očekivanja i nade naroda u budućnost. Sat koji sve ovo ukrašava pak izražava vrijednost prošlog vremena. Ova sahat kula je poklon turskog naroda građanima Zenice.
Izgradnju objekta finansirala je Republika Turska, a otvoren je 24. maja 2009. godine.
The Turkish Park gifted by the Republic of Turkey is dominated by two features, the first of which is a fountain built in 1999 by the Turkish Brigade operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina and funded by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Turkey. The fountain is accented by a dome made of copper, ceramic tiles from the Turkish town of Kutahiya, and marble and travertine brought from the town of Afyon. This fountain symbolizes the friendship between the peoples of The Republic of Turkey and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
On May 24, 2009, Zenica was also gifted The Turkish Clock Tower, situated a short distance away from the fountain. This clock tower is reminiscent of 16 other clock towers from the Ottoman period that can still be found throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. The tower twists upward from its rectangular base, narrowing towards the middle to depict the pain the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina have been exposed to throughout their history. It then expands again towards the top representing future hope and expectation. The clock face that decorates the tower’s crown serves as a reminder to value past events.
Die rechteckige Form des türkischen Uhrturms symbolisiert den Fortbestand der Uhrtürme aus der osmanischen Periode. Im Land gibt es davon insgesammt sechszehn Stück. Die rechteckige Form verdreht sich und verengt sich bis in die Mitte. Die Form drückt den Schmerz aus, den das Volk in Bosnien und Herzegowina durch die Geschichte überlebt hat. Der ab der Mitte verbreitende Teil des Turms drückt die Erwartungen und Hoffnungen an die Zukunft aus. Eine Uhr, die diesen wiederum schmükt, stellt den Wert der vergangenen Zeit dar. Der Uhrturm ist ein Geschenk des türkischen Volks an die Bürger der Stadt Zenica. Der Bau dieses Werks wurde von der Republik Türkei finansiert und wurde am 24. Mai 2009 erӧffnet.